Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ducking under the sawhorses, he just might make it!

Of course, now Frank has to get back to the castle himself. His buddies are already inside, grabbing weapons from the armory. Sir Walter and Geoffery will hold the doorway in the meantime. Will Frank make it?

Frank's idea worked pretty well, I'd say.

The fellow with the handkerchief on his head is Frances, only he makes everyone call him Frank. He had the presence of mind to swing that big plank around, while his buddy is diving out of the way. Maybe Frank can buy them some time, while Sir Walter and Geoffery grab the weapons that just happen to be upstairs and rush down.

Obviously, the bad guys (Sir Walter says they're Brickovians, from the neighboring province. He said he'll explain some other time, and to stop asking so many questions) are depending on surprise, so the Legolanders will have to sprint for the castle. At least Geoffery has spotted the trouble and is raising the alarm!

It seems Sir Walter and his men aren't the only ones in the neighborhood, and the neighbors aren't necessarily friendly.

See the guy in green? He once worked for Sir Walter, but was fired, though no one knows quite why. Shoddy workmanship most likely, or maybe he wasn't quite sober when he showed up for work. In any case, it seems that he has a grudge.

Down below, workers cut and hammer together the beams for the ceiling. Just another long day on the construction site.

The final floor is nearing completion. Above it is only the battlements and the pitched roof.

Sir Walter and Geoffery discuss fireplace design while a patient builder waits for them to make up their minds.